Men's Health - a global problem that is not limited to reproductive and sexual dysfunction. Differences in the structure of male and female morbidity, mortality and life expectancy are rooted in fundamental biological patterns, but are also quite certain social causes. Observed in many industrialized countries, beginning with the 1930's, the deterioration of the quality of semen, accompanied by a decline in male fertility (formerly the blame for infertility is automatically placed on women) and the rise of diseases such as cancer of the testicles; the risk that men between 15 and 45 years in the past 20 years has doubled, scientists associated with an unfavorable environment.
An important aspect of the male lifestyle - sexual activity. In the public mind and especially identity of the men, masculinity and sexuality - almost synonymous. "This man" from the stereotype - especially successful male, the strength of a man - his male power and its sexual and gender identity is inseparable from sexuality. However, the man credited with reason and self-control, including control over their own sexuality. Managing own erection - the basic shape and the prototype of every man's self (Cohn, 2003). Any disorders of sexual function, even outside the context of reproduction and receiving pleasure, dramatically reduce men's self-esteem and causes a lot of psychological difficulties, so much so that talk of the men shy.
Male sexual attraction for a variety of settings (frequency of sexual thoughts, fantasies and spontaneous excitation; desired frequency of sex, frequency of masturbation, the number of sexual partners, sex preference to other occupations; actively seek sex; willingness to initiate sexual activity; enjoying different types of sexual practices; readiness donate resources for sex; positive attitude towards sexual activity, etc.) is stronger than women.evolution biology explains that the biological function of males: that spermatize possibly more females, male sexuality must be strong and extensive.
Like other areas of life, men's sexuality is more prone to extremes. Regardless of the average age of sexual debut, the proportion of men who started the sexual life very early (at 15 years old and younger) are usually much higher than the proportion of women (Denmark, Iceland, England, Greece and Portugal, these men about 25%). However, the proportion of men who have sex relatively late (age 19), also higher among men (in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland, such men make up 25%).
The most important psychological feature young men engaged in intense sexual life and having a large number of women was the love of newness and risk, which correlate hyper yang, physical attraction, emotional relaxedness and elevated levels of testosterone. Psychological relaxedness, which depends sexual behavior of young people - part of a common syndrome associated with their psycho-physiological constitution.
The interaction of hormonal and psychosocial factors evident in competitive behavior, such as in sports. Increased secretion of testosterone just before the competition makes the athlete more than capable of risk, it improves coordination, concentration and cognitive processes. However, after 1-2 hours after the competition level of testosterone among the winners is higher than that of the vanquished. This is due to the high mood, trance, etc.
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