Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Co-infection of HIV and hepatitis C

The term co-infection is used when a person is sick two or more diseases simultaneously.Because the way of contracting HIV and hepatitis C (HCV) are the same, many infected with both HIV and HCV.

It is understandable that there are two diseases simultaneously greatly complicate your task of maintaining their health. HIV infection worsens hepatitis C, because the liver damage occurs quickly. It is therefore very important that your doctor understand how HIV and HCV affect your health. Some patients are observed simultaneously with a specialist in liver diseases and HIV doctors, who together make every effort to maintain the health of the patient. Because HIV medicines are processed in the liver, it is very important to regularly monitor its condition and to prevent damage by these drugs.If tests show that the liver responds poorly to HIV medicines, your doctor may appoint another drug.

It is important to remember following:

Everyone infected with HIV should take the test at GHS.

The condition of the liver must be constantly monitored, as well as drugs for HIV can damage the liver.

As HIV and HCV treatable, so talk with your doctor possible treatment for you.

Vaccinated against hepatitis A and B, if before that you were not infected.

Do not flap, and try as much as possible to learn about HIV and HCV, and work together with your doctor to maintain their own health.

Friday, November 7, 2008

The interaction of HIV with other body cells

In addition to red blood cell reservoir of the virus may be endothelial cells of blood and lymph vessels, epithelial cells and related tissues, glacial cells of the nervous system and nerve cells. Routine AIDS psychosis and atrophy of the brain evolved precisely because of the ability of the virus to infect the central nervous system. The cells outside the vascular bed is not always a surface receptor proteins to the virus, which does not allow him adsorbed and penetrate the cell directly, but infection can occur if the merger with infected CD4-cells and macrophages.

Penetrating through the blood-brain barrier, the virus causes in the brain abnormal reproduction of glial cells surrounding the neurons, as well as the destruction occurring as a result of white matter brain development of primary brain lymphoma, and atrophy of certain nerves (vision in the first place).

The defeat of the nervous system indicated a third of AIDS patients and is manifested in four main clinical forms:

Brain abscesses (progressive nodal encephalopathy, streptococci meningitis, sub acute encephalitis may microdensitometer etiology.)

Swelling of the brain, such as primary and secondary brain lymphoma;

Vascular brain injury (brain hemorrhages) and heart (endocrinologist antibacterial thrombotic);

Focal brain lesions shells, characterized by self-meningitis.

HIV and pregnancy

HIV-positive women who want to become pregnant HIV-negative men

During unprotected sex, there is little risk of infection with a male partner. This can be avoided if a woman uses a set of self-insemination. In this simple procedure, a woman inseminate himself during ovulation her partner sperm collected in a sterile jar. Most hospitals and organizations on women's health can offer advice and equipment.

HIV-negative women wishing to become pregnant HIV-positive men

Child transmission occurs when the virus is transmitted from an infected mother to child in outer, during birth or breast-feeding. If the father is HIV-positive, and my mother - no, the child will not be directly infected through the paternal sperm. If a woman is infected at the time of conception, there is a significant risk of transmission to the child because the viral load of women during interconversion is likely to be high. While there cases where women become pregnant of HIV-positive men and not infected, there is no reliable information to explain why this was possible.

Some couples wishing to conceive a child may try to minimize the risk of infection with women, engaging in unprotected sex only when the chances of getting pregnant are high, and the possibility of HIV infection is low. It happens during ovulation in women, or when the viral load her partner was not determined. However, the theory that during this period the risk of HIV transmission is reduced, has not yet been proved.

Danger Is kissing with HIV

Does this mean that you need to stop kissing? Of course not. Kisses - an important part of sensual pleasures, and most people are not ready to relinquish them. But as far as dangerous? Is there a real risk of infection with the kiss? Let us look at the statistics. Joined studied in detail and only one case where the contamination occurred ... No, not with the kiss, but with bite. In doing so, the bite was to the blood and mouth bites were also visible blood. Thus, in the unanimous opinion of specialists Center for disease control USA - one of the most respected institutions in the world sanitary-and-epidemiological institution - the contamination occurred not through saliva and blood.

In saliva the virus is present in very low concentrations, insufficient for infection. Hundreds of thousands of registered cases of HIV transmission, in which was installed with an accuracy of the source of infection. If the saliva was a real risk, among those hundreds of thousands would be a significant proportion of people with HIV when people cough, sneeze, kiss. But 15 years of experience epidemiologists showed that the risk of HIV infection is virtually non-existent. Saliva can be dangerous only if it is visible blood.

This suggests two important conclusions. The first - a purely practical: if the lips and mouth you do not damage kissed to health. If you have cracks ulcers or bleeding gums, they should be treated, but have not yet been held - not kiss " suction" in the mouth and be careful with oral sex. You can not fear to share tender "shallow" kiss, fondle his lips and tongue neck, chest, shoulders lover (and let let your imagination).

The second conclusion was that the world people have very naivety desire to continue to live the way they lived before, before the AIDS epidemic. Assuming that can be infected with anything - through kissing, mosquito bites, door handle - then it will turn out that all doomed and there is no need to change their own behavior. Much easier to periodically run into hysteria, while continuing to rely on the maybe, than soberly recognize that risk can be significantly reduced.