Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Candida and AIDS

There is a connection between candida and our immune system and a strong impact on the body when AIDS or HIV is factor. AIDS cripples the body's immune system and candida takes full advantage of that scenario.

HIV and AIDS patients are suffering from a nearly defenseless immune system so it can be difficult to fend off candida. In a normally healthy person who has a lowered immune system due to a non-life threatening illness it can be harder to fight off a yeast infection but for someone who has a seriously impaired immune system candida can become deadly and it can:

-get into the bloodstream,
-interfere with functions of vital organs;
-and stop the body from absorbing necessary vitamins and nutrients.

Many who are dealing with immune system problems quickly learn that they need to take these yeast infections very seriously and work with doctors and natural health practitioners to actively keep their yeast levels under control through medication and through natural supplements and a candida diet.

Candida is a form of yeast that exists naturally in everyone. It is normally harmless and is simply present in the body. However, if the body for one reason or another falls out of balance, candida can grow excessively, leading to a host of problems. Unlike many other medical conditions, there is not just one cause of candidiasis that is accepted by the medical community. There is a combination of a variety of different factors that allows this form of yeast to wreak havoc on the human body.

There are certain individuals that are more prone to candida overgrowth than others. It is understood that individuals with compromised immune systems are more susceptible than others for abnormal candida growth. People with AIDS, diabetes, cancer, depression, the elderly and those with chronic medical conditions are most at risk. Prolonged use of certain medications may also put an individual at risk of developing an overgrowth of candida.

Immune weakness is probably the most obvious reason for the development of candidiasis. When the immune system is compromised the body is vulnerable to attack from a wide variety of pathogens - not just candida. Interestingly, candida can often start to flourish when a person uses antibiotics as antibiotics kill off the good bacteria that are instrumental in keeping candida production in check. When good bacteria is depleted the environment for candida to thrive is created.

While there is no single reason for candidiasis to develop, there are a number of factors that can pile up, thus triggering candida overproduction. Have you ever heard the saying 'the straw that broke the camel's back'? It is an excellent way to understand how candidiasis develops. When candida takes on a dominant role in the body this potential form of virulent yeast transforms into its fungal form. This fungal state enables candida to cause damage and release dangerous toxins into the body. If you remember that one of the causes of mass candida is toxins, you can see the creation of a cycle that further sets the body at risk for various health problems. There are many causes of candida that must be accounted for. If you understand how candida is produced in abundance, you can formulate a plan to fight against it.

Remember, if you suspect that you may have developed candidiasis, you should immediately work to counter it. There are many steps you can take - both natural and through medical intervention. Make sure that you research all your options and choose the path that will help you achieve better health.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Immune deficiency syndrome

Immune deficiency syndrome is known as AIDS and represents the part of infections and symptoms resulting from the harm to the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This structure constantly decreases the value of the immune system and leaves individuals in position to become infected with tumors and infections. HIV is spread through direct contact of a mucous membrane or the blood circulation with a physical fluid containing HIV, such as blood, seminal fluid, presetting fluid, vaginal fluid and mother's milk.

The symptoms of AIDS can be found in almost every part and every organ of the human body. In the early stage when first infected with AIDS, there is a good possibility of not having any signs and symptoms of infection, but there is a chance of flu-like condition two to four weeks after becoming infected. Some of the early symptoms include: Pyrex (fever), headache, rash, swollen lymph glands and sore throat (pharyngitis). Even if the person does not have these symptoms, he can transmit the virus to the people surrounding him. The virus is reproducing in lymph nodes and gradually starts to break down the helper T cells which have the role of managing the complete immune system. Other symptoms are marks on the skin, pink or purple blotches which appear all over the body and look like bruises or blisters. But remember, each of these symptoms is quite common and may be due to some other cause. It is only when they all occur together and looks like bruises or blisters.

But remember, each of these symptoms is quite common and may be due to some other cause. It is only when they all occur together and last for a long time that there may be reason of concern. Even then, only laboratory tests can prove whether someone has AIDS. There is no treatment for AIDS. Patient generally dies who have been diagnosed as having had AIDS for more than two year. Condoms and vaginal foams are partial barrier to all diseases. Be sure that your partner has no obvious signs of infection. Be careful with any new partner especially if you know he or she has had a lot of anonymous relationships.