The history of gonorrhea
The first information on the clap familiar with the II century BC. e. It is believed that the so-called disease antique doctor Galen, which literally translated from Greek into Russian as « spermatophyte ». Then, sick people, not knowing the true causes of their suffering, mistakenly took exuding pus for seed. Only in 1879, Albert Nasser gonorrhea discovered bacterium, which was named streptococcus (Rotisserie gonorrheal).
Ways of contracting gonorrhea
Infection coccus infection occurs when sex into the vagina and rectum, as well as oral sex. Through the hands of the infection could spread to the eyes. Domestic contamination is unlikely, because coccus disease quickly kills off the human body. A prerequisite of contracting the organism is sufficient coccus, which can not provide a way home. In addition, the causative agent clap so newtons outside the human body that if relieve immediately after sexual intercourse, the risk of disease is reduced by more than 2 times.
The risk of infection with single sexual act (vaginal, anal) with gonorrhea patients is about 70%. Considerably less likely with oral sex. Women are often asymptomatic carriers of the causal agent for weeks or months, so they clap usually detected when examining the patient's sexual contacts. Given the numerous cases of asymptomatic coccus pharyngitis among prostitutes, unprotected oral sex with them can not be considered safe.
Often the disease is asymptomatic infection, with the mouth, pharynx and rectum among homosexual men. The same sometimes happens with the defeat of the urethra from heterosexual men in certain geographic regions.
It should be noted that gonorrhea - disease with the highest risk of infection for all sexually transmitted diseases.
The development of the disease gonorrhea
The incubation period of disease typically ranges from 2 to 10 days (usually 5-7 days) from the time of infection. Symptoms of gonorrhea in men are yellowish-white selection of the urethra, as well as pain and burning sensation when urination. Common symptoms of gonorrhea in men and women - itching and the allocation of the anus (rectum with lesions), pain in the throat (with the defeat of the pharynx).
In early disease there is some discomfort in urination channel, then a few hours later developed frequent and painful urination and appear purulent discharge. As the inflammation in the back offices urethra frequent urination happens with the urge mandatory.
Men with untreated pathologic process of inflammation of the testicles may, prostate glands and joints. In doing so, defeat the testicles and prostate gland can lead to complications - infertility and impotency. Chronic gonorrhea may eventually lead to strictures urethra.
Streptococcal pharyngitis (CNS lesion) is often asymptomatic, and sometimes painfully evident in the throat. Streptococcal proctorial where the infected rectum, usually as asymptomatic, although the pain in the rectum, itching and the allocation of the rectum. Such destruction as streptococcal pharyngitis and streptococcal proctorial are men (mostly homosexual and bisexual orientation), and among women.
Among men with different sexual orientation often occurs severe gonorrhea probity(gonorrhea rectum), in which rectos copy can detect mucosa-abscess raid on the wall of the rectum. Often, as a result of oral-genital contact they have developed streptococcal pharyngitis, when patients complain of sore throat and difficulty swallowing. In these cases, there redness pharynx and tonsillitis with mucous-abscess intact.
Streptococcal conjunctivitis occurs when streptococcal hit in the eye.
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