Friday, October 31, 2008

Male sterility

Sterility - this pathological state, which is characterized by an inability to obtain offspring of the couple for one year without the use of contraceptive methods. A long time believed that the cause of infertility is the woman's body. But now there is no doubt the existence of male forms of infertility.

Male sterility - it changes by the health of male reproductive system, not allowing a man to conceive offspring.

Male sterility specialists are divided into three forms:

1. secretory

2. retention

3. Immunologic

In addition, lead to infertility, many reasons, more detailed in the article «Erectile dysfunction».

Secretory form of male sterility

In this form of testicles, for various reasons do not produce healthy motile sperm in the quantities that are sufficient to successfully fertilized egg. The reasons for violations may include: hormonal disorders, genetic factors, severe chronic disease (diabetes), deferred inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs (orchitis, mumps), edema testicle, varicolored, over wind testicle and others. The factors that encourage the emergence of the disease include: inadequate protein diet, vitamin deficiency, trauma testicles, occupational hazard (ionizing radiation, high temperature, contact with various toxic substances).

Retention form of male sterility

In this form of infertility there is an obstacle to follow spermatozoon of the testicles in urethra. This obstacle could be: congenital absence or narrowing of the site seminiferous tract, solder, remaining after an inflammatory or infectious process, cyst or tumor or nearby genital organs, scar after the operation.

Immunological form of male sterility

This form of infertility develops, usually after trauma testicle. In this form the body begins to produce antibodies to the testes tissue. In normal testes tissue and immune system are disconnected. When trauma happens contact of the two systems, and the immunity of the body begins to take testicles as an alien entity. Antibodies can be shaped directly to spermatozoon.

The treatment of male sterility

First and foremost, this is the removal of the causes that led to the development of infertility - the removal of inflammation in the circumcision operation at the dropsy testicle, varicolored. When retention form identifies the level and extent of the site obstruction and performed surgery to remove it. When hormonal variations prescribes to correct hormonal background. In the form immunological male infertility carried out comprehensive treatment, the course of androgen and enzymatic substance drugs.

The treatment of any form of male infertility (except in compromised), except for removing the causes, including activities aimed at stimulation of spermatophyte. These are the good way of life, full albumen food, sports, admission of certain hormones that have a stimulating influence on the testicles, receiving drugs that enhance blood circulation to the genitals, as well as the course vitamins therapeutics. When treating male infertility need to control semen perform every 2-3 months.

The treatment of male infertility - a lengthy process, which requires the full cooperation and understanding between the urology and patient. In our clinic specialists carefully and correctly approach to the problems of each patient. Modern laboratory identify the causes that lead to the development of infertility, to monitor changes in the body against the backdrop of therapy.


Gonorrhea is assigned to the classic sexually transmitted sexually transmitted diseases. Causative agent of the acute infectious disease - streptococcus (Nerissa gonorrhea), which can infect the urethra epithelium (urethra), rectum, pharynx, vagina, cervix and eyes.
The history of gonorrhea
The first information on the clap familiar with the II century BC. e. It is believed that the so-called disease antique doctor Galen, which literally translated from Greek into Russian as « spermatophyte ». Then, sick people, not knowing the true causes of their suffering, mistakenly took exuding pus for seed. Only in 1879, Albert Nasser gonorrhea discovered bacterium, which was named streptococcus (Rotisserie gonorrheal).
Ways of contracting gonorrhea
Infection coccus infection occurs when sex into the vagina and rectum, as well as oral sex. Through the hands of the infection could spread to the eyes. Domestic contamination is unlikely, because coccus disease quickly kills off the human body. A prerequisite of contracting the organism is sufficient coccus, which can not provide a way home. In addition, the causative agent clap so newtons outside the human body that if relieve immediately after sexual intercourse, the risk of disease is reduced by more than 2 times.
The risk of infection with single sexual act (vaginal, anal) with gonorrhea patients is about 70%. Considerably less likely with oral sex. Women are often asymptomatic carriers of the causal agent for weeks or months, so they clap usually detected when examining the patient's sexual contacts. Given the numerous cases of asymptomatic coccus pharyngitis among prostitutes, unprotected oral sex with them can not be considered safe.
Often the disease is asymptomatic infection, with the mouth, pharynx and rectum among homosexual men. The same sometimes happens with the defeat of the urethra from heterosexual men in certain geographic regions.
It should be noted that gonorrhea - disease with the highest risk of infection for all sexually transmitted diseases.
The development of the disease gonorrhea
The incubation period of disease typically ranges from 2 to 10 days (usually 5-7 days) from the time of infection. Symptoms of gonorrhea in men are yellowish-white selection of the urethra, as well as pain and burning sensation when urination. Common symptoms of gonorrhea in men and women - itching and the allocation of the anus (rectum with lesions), pain in the throat (with the defeat of the pharynx).
In early disease there is some discomfort in urination channel, then a few hours later developed frequent and painful urination and appear purulent discharge. As the inflammation in the back offices urethra frequent urination happens with the urge mandatory.
Men with untreated pathologic process of inflammation of the testicles may, prostate glands and joints. In doing so, defeat the testicles and prostate gland can lead to complications - infertility and impotency. Chronic gonorrhea may eventually lead to strictures urethra.
Streptococcal pharyngitis (CNS lesion) is often asymptomatic, and sometimes painfully evident in the throat. Streptococcal proctorial where the infected rectum, usually as asymptomatic, although the pain in the rectum, itching and the allocation of the rectum. Such destruction as streptococcal pharyngitis and streptococcal proctorial are men (mostly homosexual and bisexual orientation), and among women.
Among men with different sexual orientation often occurs severe gonorrhea probity(gonorrhea rectum), in which rectos copy can detect mucosa-abscess raid on the wall of the rectum. Often, as a result of oral-genital contact they have developed streptococcal pharyngitis, when patients complain of sore throat and difficulty swallowing. In these cases, there redness pharynx and tonsillitis with mucous-abscess intact.
Streptococcal conjunctivitis occurs when streptococcal hit in the eye.


The basis for the success of the network «Wall-Mart» have original ideas. Many of them, Sam Walton perennial from competitors - for example, the idea of supermarket or discount the idea of trading. However, he was able to build on other people's art, to create one holistic algorithm, the philosophy of the company. Not surprisingly, the company «Wall-Mart» one of the first beginning readers to use in calculations with buyers. This not only drastically increased traffic, but will provide a detailed picture of daily demand.

In a corporation set up the best in the industry diversified electronic ordering and delivery of goods. Wall-Mart has entered into contracts with more than 3 thousand vendors, including leading international corporations, but none of the vendors had no more than 4% of total orders. Most of the goods sold on line, comes through their own special distribution centers. As a result, Wall-Mart is able to deliver the desired product in any of its stores in four times faster than its competitors.

The company has the best in the world of computer accounting system products. Each store has an electronic link with key suppliers, allowing information on each unit sold products tracked in real time. According to some estimates, the introduction of modern accounting systems goods corporation has up to 7 billion annual profit.

Corporate principles

No less interesting corporate principles developed by the company. This is especially the principles of customer service and the idea of corporate solidarity of the cultural foundation of business success. For example, «to sunset» suggests the expeditious processing of clients and fulfilling orders on the day they are received, that is, until sunset. Applying the «principle of ten feet», store employees caught at a distance of three meters from the client's obligation to welcome him and offer assistance.

Almost all shopping malls network «Wall-Mart» designed the same way. What would the city and in whatever country or have permanent customers, go to the supermarket with the familiar guise, they are confident that quickly find the correct section and products.

Essentially, that stores network buyers are attracted not only the wide range and low prices, but also a friendly atmosphere. One of the fundamental rules of the corporation states: «There is one boss - the buyer». In its supermarkets, Sam Walton tried to maintain the spirit of small shops, especially the friendliness and genuine attention to the client. He is not tired to repeat: «The more our stores are, the more we must avoid gigantically, preserving the atmosphere of a small shop».

However, almost the most important - is a tactic to stimulate employees. The desire to guide the company to reduce costs at all was a result that wage workers have always remained fairly low. However, the existence of a flexible system of bonuses not only mitigate this effect, but suggests that the esprit de corps Wall Marta plays an important role in maintaining the high competitiveness of the company.

Once Walton was the name of his subordinates «partner», replacing it by a few pejorative «sell». And the difference was not only lexical. «Partners» started to motivate percent of sales. Moreover, all employees Wall Marta received the right to invest an additional salary and pension contributions in company stock. This innovation was introduced more than 30 years ago, and today the company has about 2 thousand millionaires.


Sam Walton's childhood coincided with the depression, then it all his life was modest and economical, and felt every penny (penny, that is). He was popular in school, all children a penny (the newspaper, etc.). A little bit of work in Jay-Si Penny, but then asked him about that, because even though it sold well, wrote a chicken paw, and accounts maintained disgusting. Then, taking the money, opened a franchise network of stores (department store).

At that time, California began to emerge discount stores and Sam began the first experiments in his shop. After a while he opened its own, not franchisee shop, and eventually it grew into the empire. He was always curious, always taking ideas from competitors (refers specifically to that one), never allows a single shop and stalls, wherever drove (and later oblate all at the plane).

Curious book, written with a strong "Southern" accent, with the jokes, although America does not open. By the end of book left an unpleasant taste.

For example, despite the fact that he thought all workers Wall Marta called associates (such as "co-comrades", "Partners"), its big money he does not pay, and pay its managers much lower than the industry as it important to keep prices low. They, however, issue shares within a year of work, but it started to do recently, and at the urging of his wife. The biggest money in shares were made during the first decade.

Despite the propaganda, as I understand, the chief - not the buyer, a shareholder. At the same time controlling stake (60 percent) still holds the Walton family.