Antiretroviral drugs are used during pregnancy as an productive means of preventing the transference of HIV from a female parent to her infant. Increasingly, grounds suggests that HIV treatment during pregnancy is not dangerous. Attractive HIV treatment during pregnancy greatly reduces the danger of vanishing on HIV to the infant, so the benefits overcome any risks.
Usually, anti-HIV drugs are not used during the first three months of pregnancy unless you are already on treatment. Parturient women are recommended to start HIV treatment between 14 and 24 weeks of pregnancy (depending on your condition and viral burden), unless you need to take it earlier for your own condition. You may also be recommended to start earlier if you have a expensive viral albatross.
As a woman’s condition improves, her fertility may also enlarge. If you are rational about becoming expectant, it’s recommended you review this with your healthcare together before you try to devise. You should tell your HIV doctor or another colleague of your healthcare together immediately if you become expectant. You can discuss your treatment options with them, and they will often help to arrange your antenatal trouble and drudgery with other standard, such as an obstetrician, to insure you get the appropriate anxiety.
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