Herpes Lip
This is what is popularly called "fever on the lips. Against the background of the common cold, other infectious diseases (often occurring with temperature), the influence of cold or excessive sun exposure can cause manifestations such as itching of the lips, followed by the appearance of red spots and then the bubbles, which causes pain.
Herpes of the oral mucosa
Eruptions have the form of bubbles, surrounded by a halo of red, and some of them after the crash, turned round to erosion. This is known as herpes stomatitis. Characterized by rapid clinical picture. The disease begins with chills, fever to 39 ° and the appearance of painful sores in the mouth, headache, increased drowsiness, general malaise. The rash often localized in the mucosa of the cheeks, gums, palate,
inner surface of the lips, tongue, at least in the soft and hard palate, palatine tonsil and ear. Almost always increases submandibular lymph nodes (they are often painful).
Genital herpes
Genital herpes - an infection caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV). In 80% of cases the disease is caused by HSV type 2 in 20% of cases - Herpes simplex virus type 1.
Genital herpes is transmitted sexually, and it is not necessary to have any of the partners at the time of intercourse was worsening. The manifestations of acute pain and are characterized by itching in the vulva (labia and vagina - women and the head of the penis - for men). Against this background, there are typical of any localization of herpes blisters that, bursting, turn into sores.
Shingles - Herpes zoster
Shingles - a disease that results from activation of latent varicella zoster virus. Characterized by inflammation of the posterior roots of the spinal cord and spinal ganglia. Pathogen - varicella zoster virus (herpes simplex virus type 3). Ill persons previously undergone chickenpox, mostly elderly.
Shingles is the following symptoms: burning intense pain during one or more edges not associated with trauma and not accompanied by any other symptoms at first, followed by some time appear on the skin-specific rash that looks reminiscent of vesicles.
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