What is the relationship? - You ask. It turns out that quite a! At least so believe scientists from UCLA Dental Institute (USA). They held a special laboratory study and its results published in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes at the beginning of December 2004.
The purpose of the experimental work was to study the influence of alcohol on the susceptibility of culture cells, mucous membrane lining of the mouth, to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIVE). To do so from the mucosa of the oral cavity of HIVE patients uninfected cells kept for 10 minutes at 4% ethanol (similar to the content of alcohol in the most popular among Americans alcoholic beverages - beer) and then subjected to HIVE. It turned out that alcohol-treated epithelial cells of mucous membrane of the mouth were 3-6 times more susceptible to HIVE than cells that are not affected by alcohol.
It is these results have allowed the head of the study, Dr. June-wing Ghent concluded that consumption of alcohol, even in traditional American and previously considered to be "harmless" concentration, significantly increases the risk of HIVE infection with oral sex.
The originality of this pilot study is that researchers tried to find the specific mechanism of HIVE infection in modern society, in which oral sex "heated" Alcohol has long been no surprise.
Since the detection of the world's first AIDS patient in 1981 in the scientific world, not rage disputes over how the same experience this disease. At one time in the post-Soviet space was quite popular version, that AIDS arose in the laboratories of American scientists who worked on the order of the CIA and the Pentagon. Subsequently, it turned out that this myth was artificially born purely for political reasons. It should be noted that the U.S. has never promoted version of that virus was developed by Russian scientists on whose orders or, as the basic version of the emergence of AIDS was recognized as the one on which this horrible disease we inherited a legacy of monkeys.
Currently known two types of AIDS virus. It is believed that one goes from green monkeys, and another - from anthropoid apes are likely orangutan. As of today in the scientific world leads people first became infected by a virus, then mutated into AIDS in 40-50th of the last century in countries such as Cameroon, Equatorial Guiana, Congo and the Central African Republic, where local residents have traditionally hunted on the monkeys and use their meat for food.
Recently, however, in the scientific world there were reports that questioned the accepted version of the emergence of AIDS. For example, with a rather exotic hypothesis made in the press group of scientists from the University of Melbourne. In their view, the AIDS virus came to Europe as a result of transfers aging rich testicles infected African chimpanzees. Such transplants with a view to rejuvenating practiced in France, Switzerland and Portugal.
Less exotic, but a scientific hypothesis put forward by the International Conference on Virology in Sydney, American specialists. They reported that the AIDS virus has been detected in the frozen tissues of people who died more than 30 years ago in the hospital of SST. Louis. They confidently stated that a comparative study of the virus 30 years ago and the current forms, can say that the virus mutated in the human body long before the outbreak of the disease in Africa, perhaps for hundreds of years. This discovery calls into question the old theory of the origin of the virus from African monkeys. Who knows, maybe after some time, scientists will prove that AIDS infection is much older than the accepted thinking, and that, for example, the dinosaurs became extinct it was from AIDS.
One of the biggest shocks of our time is the emergence and rapid spread of "disease Century" - AIDS. Today the name of this virus is not gone from the pages of newspapers, TV and sound with radios: in our country faced the problem of disposable syringes, make demands polls checking with AIDS, set up various funds to fight the virus and allocated huge sums of money to inspect and search medications. In other countries made similar studies, and so far the AIDS virus studied very well, but a vaccine against it could not be found. Recently, some Western scientists studying AIDS (human immunodeficiency virus), are not so much finding a vaccine, but rather explore the causes of the devastating effects of the virus in the human immune system. The properties of human blood, including the features available on individual species and racial groups. Perhaps as a result of these studies will find answers to the concerns of our questions: - Why only a small fraction of infected fall ill and die? - How are based on racial origin DIG sick? - Why did the bulk of sick and the dead are in Africa and the USA? This raises another, at first sight paradoxical, but a very important question: Is AIDS a real danger to our people?
The South African weekly "Patriot" reports that some data from several studies of Western scholars, suggesting that AIDS is acting strictly selective and destroys the immune system, resulting in the deaths of only those people whose veins runs the blood type of black people. That is, AIDS is a danger only to blacks, mulatto, Jews and Roma representatives whites kinds of people can be carriers of AIDS, but never ill if their immune system is not weakened by outside influences (drug addiction, alcoholism, homosexuality, etc.). This hypothesis is based on the fact that the blood of black and white type of people varies greatly in their qualities of immunological and biochemical indicators. When you mix black and white type of people (even through the centuries and generations) remains black blood biochemical indicators. This was demonstrated as far back as 1925 by soviet scientists who discovered the chemical reaction that gives the opportunity to find racial differences in blood. During the experiment, they took the blood of Russians (type of white people) and Jewish blood (black and white hybrid), produced from each response and got different results. This reaction identified Jews in 91.7% of all cases, that is enough for scientific and forensic evidence. All this allows to argue about the biochemical difference between Russian and Jewish blood. On the racial specificity of certain diseases, wrote in the 20's of the famous Soviet scientist BAN Peevishness (in his works dealt with, in particular malaria). Scientific studies have refuted demand proverb - "the blood of all the same - red. Blood is different for different types of people.
Our blood, the blood of white people, not such as the blood of blacks, mulatto and Jews. And should the hypothesis is confirmed, we can not be afraid of AIDS and boldly argued: AIDS is not dangerous white PEOPLE! Examples of indirectly supporting this hypothesis, many of them. Take the least sensational story with children, infected in children's hospitals city Alistair. The newspapers he predicted quick death, demanding placed in isolation. Who knows how much emotional pain experienced mother, listening to tales of mortal danger to their children and feeling ill of others? But time has passed, children grows up, strengthened and now his joyous laughter destroys the myth about AIDS. Nominated hypothesis Western researchers claimed: "danger to our health is not" But under the influence of public relations, many color, not knowing about these studies are afraid of AIDS.