Masteron and Equipoise are two different medicines used to gain body mass. They are actually types of steroids. Steroids are chemical compound that helps our body to keep proteins that help in muscle growth process.
Masteron is also called Drostanolone Propionate and it has a form of pills. That means that you take it oral, not intravenously. Masteron is used in small amounts of pills per day, so you don’t have to take large quantity to have good results in the end. Masteron, just like any other type of steroids, have side effects. But side effects that can appear while taking this medicine are on their minimum, which is why Masteron is considered as the best solution compared to other steroids. Besides Masteron, there are many more effective and stronger steroids, but they also have bigger side effects and many other disadvantages.
You can get the best results from this medicine if you combine it with other steroids, like Dianabol, which is the most used steroid in history (and also the oldest one). You can also combine it with Anadrol and you will get the same results as you have used Dianabol. It’s not recommended to use just Masteron, you should always combine it with another steroid type. Equipoise actually used to be a veterinary steroid. Today is steroid just like any other and it’s compared to Masteron, Primobolan, Deca and Trenbolone. All these types of steroids will do the same thing in the end – help you get body mass. There is only one side effect you can get from this medicine is increased appetite. Equipoise cycles need to be long, because it won’t have effect you want to get. Also Equipoise has great positive things, it should be your first steroid choice. It contains molecule that is similar to Boldenone, type of testosterone.
You should contact your doctor, he is the person you will know what is the best for you. Choosing a steroid type is not so simple. What steroid will you use depends on your organism and you physical condition. So it’s always the best not to take steroids on your own. But, when the choice is up to these two, let’s compare them. Actually, they produce the same effect in the end. From this point of view, you will get the same results with the Masteron or Equipoise. Amount that you have to take is also pretty much the same. So there is no difference with the doses, also. Equipoise is actually just a little cheaper that the Masteron. If price is not relevant factor for you, it’s still up to you to decide which steroid you will buy.
Both of these medicines have little side effects. But doctors prefer Equipoise rather than Masteron, but it’s individually. Both of them can produce hair loss, for example. But this is the risk that should be familiar to you from the beginning. Almost every steroid have this type of side effect, some of them affect your skin, for example. You shouldn’t take any steroid if you are not aware of all possible side effects. It’s really up to you if you are going to stack these two steroids. Stacking steroids means combining them to get better results. You just have to combine them well, and that your doctor have to decide what doses will you be taking. Cycles should be at least 8 weeks long.
This is up to you. No one can tell you which one is better, both of these steroids are great. You have to consult your doctor and compare all good and bad sides these steroids have. Masteron and Equipoise are actually the same thing with different name. You can be sure that in the end you will have the result that you want, no matter which one do u use.
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